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Why is migraine? Different causes of migraine increase?

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Why is migraine pain? Different causes of migraine increase?the relationship between ibs and migraines 722x406 1

At present, it is a name of terror for everyone. It is also very difficult to find people who do not suffer from migraine pain. But why is this migraine?

There are many theories as to why migraines occur. But genetic and some environmental factors are responsible for a lot …

There are several reasons for the increase in migraines. Such as:

  • Height of Temperature: Excessive heat or walking in the sun can cause migraines, as well as excessive cold, can cause migraines.
  • Height of Emotion: Excessive anger, excessive crying, laughing or laughing out loud
  • Not taking extra work or rest. In some cases, it may be due to excessive sexual intercourse
  • Staying at home all day or lack of extra sleep or exercise and laziness can also cause migraines
  • Staying up at night is one of the causes of migraines and staying up at night can make migraines worse day by day
  • Migraines can occur if you don’t study enough or don’t rest your brain
  • During menstruation, girls have a migraine called Menstrual Migraine and after Menopause, migraine attacks persist.
  • Migraine can also increase if you take birth control pills or hormone therapy.
  • Foods such as chocolate peanut misty extra spicy or salty foods, some dairy foods, etc. can increase migraines.
  • Even if you don’t eat or don’t eat on time, migraines can get worse
  • High light and high noise are intolerable for migraine patients
  • Although tea and coffee reduce common migraines, excess tea, and coffee cause migraines. So be carefulimage

What to do if migraine pain

  • Must be in a secluded environment where there will be no loud noise or amoebae
  • Relieving pain by pressing or massaging the area of ​​pain
  • Medication should be taken as per the advice of the doctor
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