People now ‘live’ on smartphones

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People use much more smartphones nowadays | University College London |

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Smartphone users have homes in their pockets. Avoid your relatives for the instrument. Of course, all this is known. However, a new study showed a new finger in the eye.

A team of anthropologists from University College London (UCL) in the United Kingdom has been monitoring smartphone users in nine countries for more than a year, The Guardian reports. At the end of the study, they said, smartphones are no longer just devices. Just as people feel about their homes, so do smartphones.

The research team was led by Professor Daniel Miller. “Smartphones are no longer just devices,” he told The Guardian. We are in it now. It has become our abode. The downside to human relations is that a person next to us disappears in an instant. Whether it’s eating, meeting, or working with others, it’s like a man ‘going home with a smartphone. University College London (UCL).

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“In face-to-face contact with people, we’re moving towards a ‘near-death,'” Miller said. “Even though we are physically close, we are socially, professionally, or emotionally alone,” he said. We are learning to live with this risk. “
Problems with messaging app

If there is a single reason for such a change, it is the messaging apps like WhatsApp, the researchers said. He referred to these apps as the ‘heart of smartphones’. For many users in most parts of the world, smartphones are just an app, they wrote.
Although the research highlighted the disadvantages of using a smartphone, the team did not forget to mention that the device is essential for communication.

Further details:,they%20do%20about%20their%20homes.

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