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National Aeronautics and Space Administration, U.S.A Perseverance rover captures more striking photos of Martian territory

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National Aeronautics and Space Administration, U.S.A Perseverance rover captures more striking photos of Martian territory2de423c451055c35e9e78f5ce610eb59

  • National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  • Fans of National Aeronautics and Space Administration latest Mars mission continue to be kept entertained by the adventures of its rover.
  • Perseverance’s exploration of Martian territory has resulted in many striking images.
  • From snaps of Jezero Crater to 360-degree panoramas, Insider rounded up the highlights.

National Aeronautics and Space Administration : Perseverance captured an image of “Santa Cruz,” a hill about 1.5 miles away from the rover. The hill sits inside Mars’ Jezero Crater.3a67c594b1bc0a9f80ef5bb79564dca8

This shot, which appeared to show a rainbow, is actually a lens flare across the dusty Martian sky, agency officials said.

Perseverance viewed these rocks using its right mastcam-Z camera.7bd0c2ec855ffbd24ed19ac4fc948069

Perseverance’s hazard cameras snap National Aeronautics and Space Administration Ingenuity helicopter on its fourth flight.

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The rover took a selfie with the Ingenuity helicopter. This photo is made up of 62 individual images stitched together when they were sent back to Earth.6e99186ae0fde064aeb8fc2def3d6139

Cameras aboard Perseverance zoom into what is most likely a section of an ancient delta in Jezero.

A color-calibrated image from the rover’s navigation camera, showing an indentation of its tracks from its first drive.f32ead335a7afdc1df61915825eeaab0

Perseverance snapped this image of Ingenuity hovering mid-air during its second flight.

Back on Earth, the Perseverance team stitched together six individual images taken by the rover on Mars to create this 360-degree panorama.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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