The longest suspension bridge in the world at Portugal

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Portugal is the country with the longest suspension bridge in the world

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The suspension bridge is located in Aurora, one hour south of the country’s commercial city of Porto. The longest suspension bridge in the world at Portugal. 

Portugal is a country of bridges of artificial beauty. The country has some of the most beautiful bridges in Europe in the top 10 bridges. The world’s longest suspension bridge has been built in Portugal.

The UNESCO-recognized Auroka GeoPark is famous for its nature tourism and outdoor activities.

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Named in the pages of history, the length of this suspension bridge is about one thousand 692 feet or 516 meters. Now the construction of the bridge has transformed the municipality of Aurora into a city of great beauty. 

The bridge connects the two sides of Piva Ghat. Visitors can enjoy a glass of fresh wine after walking four kilometers on a wooden suspension bridge over the Piva River. Because the commercial city is famous for its local wine.

Portugal is a country of bridges of artificial beauty. The country has some of the most beautiful bridges in Europe in the top 10 bridges.

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